Global warming, environmental protection and alternative
energies have rocketed into sharp focus following the
most recent catastrophic and global weather events.
However, these tragedies have clearly brought home the
need for urgent action.
The production and use of green hydrogen can make an
important contribution and has been recognized as a key
topic in Turkey, already under research with multi-lateral
support. As early as 2012, various possibilities and
projects in Turkey were shown and demonstrated.
There are draft concepts2 and discussion forums in
Turkey, which are currently defining the set-up of possible
production and use of this energy carrier. Moreover,
political and business leaders in Turkey are trying to
implement feasible projects for de-carbonization3,
including an official hydrogen strategy, which is soon to
be expected. Turkey’s recent accession to the Paris
Climate Agreement is another argument in favor of this
In the foreseeable future, CO2-free production will also
be an important prerequisite for Turkish access to the
European market, which will then also be regulated by
the “EU Carbon Border Mechanism”
With the production of green hydrogen, Turkey can not
only reduce its dependence on energy imports, but can
also become a major exporter of green hydrogen.
H2energy Solutions proposes to
concentrate on some areas for the
production and use of especially green
hydrogen in Turkey and has drafted this
initiative for this purpose
It should serve as a basis for discussion
and a starting point for specific projects.
While the focus should be on hydrogen,
it should not be viewed as the only
alternative energy source
Through sector coupling and tailor-made
concepts, the most suitable approaches
to de-carbonization should evolve.
This initiative is intended to provide
further consideration for the measurable
and expandable establishment of a
hydrogen-based economic sector in
The expansion could gradually take
place in stages until 2030.In the considerations below, we will focus on the
following areas:
Production of green hydrogen from various
sources (primarily through electrolysis from
photovoltaics, wind power, geothermal energy
but also bio-electrolysis and others) for use in
Turkey5 and export to other European
countries – especially to Germany
With these steps, existing technologies can be
used and the rapidly growing global demand for
green hydrogen can be met.
Due to climatic conditions, as well as good
expansion of regenerative energy production,
Turkey has excellent prerequisites for the
manufacture of green hydrogen.
The mobility sector accounts for approx.
25% of the total energy demand in Turkey7,
and is therefore an important starting point for
de-carbonization8. In addition to batterypowered e-mobility, the use of hydrogen can be
put to good use, particularly in the field of heavy
goods traffic, as well as in passenger transport
(buses and rail transport).
The prerequisite for this, however, is the
establishment of a network of hydrogen filling
station. This can initially take place within the
metropolitan areas of Istanbul, Ankara, Bursa,
Izmir, Antalya, Konya and Adana. In addition,
the Black Sea coast is to be connected via
Samsun to Trabzon as well further the the East
as Gaziantep, Erzurum and Van. This would
also facilitate travel between the metropolitan
With these “Hydrogen Hubs” all different kinds
of regional users can be serviced, starting with
public transport, supply and disposal, individual
transport and industry, as well as regional
markets. This should also include the possibility
of use in rail transport.Thus “e-mobility / hydrogen corridors” will be
created which not only offer the possibility of
connecting with one another, but also the
broadening of the network along these
corridors.This network must also be expanded further
South and East into the potential regions of
hydrogen production. Sufficient charging
infrastructure must be provided along these
corridors for both BEVs and FCEVs.
Use of electric vehicles with hydrogen supply
(FCEVs) but also battery supply (BEVs) in all
fields (buses, trucks, small commercial vehicles
and mini-buses, cars, ground-handling vehicles
e.g. fork-lifts)
The energy requirement for the operation of
buildings and similar infrastructure in Turkey is
currently around 31% of the total energy
requirement in Turkey10. The industrial sector
accounts for a further 33% of the country’s
energy demandbr.
Part of the solution can be the creation of
independent micro-grid solutions for decarbonization, as well as strengthening the
resilience in the event of impending natural
disasters (earthquakes, floods, fires) in urban
and rural areas.
This can be used for entire city districts, larger
building complexes (hospitals, universities,
public administration, data centers), in the
communications sector (transmission mast
supply), but also for individual residential
complexes or houses. These solutions can also
be used for decentralized heat supply of the
above-mentioned buildings and settlements.
Moreover, these solutions should also make a
significant contribution to the de-carbonization
of regional industrial and service institutions.
Creation or expansion of a logistic network for
the transport of hydrogen within Turkey, the
”Hydrogen Hubs”, along the “E-Mobility /
Hydrogen Corridors” for internal supply and
connections abroad. This includes the use of
existing gas pipelines13, the creation of new
hydrogen supply lines from electrolysis centers
to ports, expansion of other hydrogen infrastructure (road transport, storage), and the use
of hydrogen technologies in the waste and
disposal sector.
Creation and expansion of Turkey as a supraregional technology hub for the hydrogen
sector, expansion of research and production of
hydrogen technologies through appropriate
technology transfer in close cooperation with
the Turkish industry.
In addition, both Synthetic Gas (SynGas) and hydrogen can be generated through the use of organic waste materials by means of a gasification process. In this way, for example, the resulting SynGas can partially or completely replace natural gas
H2Energy Solutions thus confirms a very good
basis for the establishment of a comprehensive
hydrogen economic sector in Turkey. This is one
goal of our deliberations.
The way there will, however, require a high
degree of cooperation, time and patience. In
addition to important, positive political
framework conditions, individual enthusiasm
and commitment will be indispensable for the
undertaking. We bring these with us and are
prepared to share them with other people and
institutions.H2Energy Solutions can be a competent,
consultant, developer and partner for the
Turkish hydrogen market in at least three areas:
1. We represent companies that produce or
use green hydrogen w i t h m o d e r n
technology but are not yet represented on
the Turkish market. The applications range
from small systems (house and business
supply) to industrial production in the MW
range. With our partnership, we also
guarantee that these companies have
confidence in the Turkish market. In
addition, we can provide interesting
financing models from these companies.
2. As a German company, we can offer
project planning processes and establish
contacts with German and / or European
investors and financing institutions. The
appropriate foundations for this have
already been defined by the Turkish side.
3. We represent potential buyers of Green
Hydrogen in Germany and can thus provide
possibilities for the implementation of largescale hydrogen production in Turkey, both
as a realistic and economic undertaking.We will develop and implement our own
initiatives, build networks, participate in
existing and future forums and discussions
in business and politics and work
constructively to increase the awareness of
the topic and the implementation of a new
hydrogen coalition. We are already well
positioned for this with our new location in
Istanbul and Turkish-speaking employees.
1. M. Suha Yazici and Mustafa Hatipoglu, World Hydrogen Energy Conference 2012, Energy
Procedia Hydrogenand Fuel Cell Demonstrations in Turkey, 29 (2012), page 683 – 689
2. Energy Policy Research Center & SHURA Energy Transition Center , Priority Areas for a
National Hydrogen Strategy for Turkey”, 23 March 2021
3. Republic of Turkey, Ministry of Trade, Turkey’s Green Deal Action Plan, 15 July 2021
4. Republic of Turkey, Ministry of Trade, Turkey’s Green Deal Action Plan, 15 July 2021, page 44
5. Energy Policy Research Center & SHURA Energy Transition Center,Priority Areas for a National
Hydrogen Strategy for Turkey, ,23 March 2021, page 7
6. Turkey’s Green Deal Action Plan, 15 July 2021, page 26
7. Energy Policy Research Center & SHURA Energy Transition Center,Priority Areas for a National
Hydrogen Strategy for Turkey, Sabanci University, 2021, page 23
8. Turkey’s Green Deal Action Plan, 15 July 2021, page 32
9. BEV – Battery Electric Vehicle, FCEV – Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles
10. Energy Policy Research Center & SHURA Energy Transition Center, Priority Areas for a
National Hydrogen Strategy for Turkey, 23 March 2021, page 23
11. Energy Policy Research Center & SHURA Energy Transition Center, Priority Areas for a
National Hydrogen Strategy for Turkey, , 2021, page 21
12. Energy Policy Research Center & SHURA Energy Transition Center, Priority Areas for a
National Hydrogen Strategy for Turkey, 23 March 2021, page 30
13. Energy Policy Research Center & SHURA Energy Transition Center, Priority Areas for a
National Hydrogen Strategy for Turkey, 23 March 2021, page 41
14. Energy Policy Research Center & SHURA Energy Transition Center, Priority Areas for a
National Hydrogen Strategy for Turkey, 23 March2021, page 7
15. Ministry of Energy and Natural Ressources Investors, Guidance for Electricity Sector in Turkey,
Republic of Turkey,
1. Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Demonstrations in Turkey, M. Suha Yazici and Mustafa
Hatipoglu, World Hydrogen Energy Conference 2012, Energy Procedia 29 (2012)
2. Investors Guidance for Electricity Sector in Turkey, Republic of Turkey, Ministry of
Energy and Natural Ressources
3. Priority Areas for a National Hydrogen Strategy for Turkey, Energy Policy Research
Center & SHURA, Sabanci University, 2021
4. Turkey‘s Green Deal Action Plan, 15 July 2021
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